A Brief History of the Latte: From Italy to the World
Yes, "latte" is short for "caffe latte," which is Italian for "coffee with milk." A latte is a type of coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk, with a layer of foam on top. It is typically served in a tall, narrow glass and is usually larger than other espresso-based drinks such as a cappuccino. The proportion of espresso to milk in a latte is typically about 1:3, meaning it contains more milk than a cappuccino. Some variations of the latte may also include flavorings such as syrup or spices, or may be served with a design made with the foam on top. The history of the latte is somewhat disputed, but it is generally believed to have originated in Italy in the early 20th century. At that time, coffee was typically served in small cups and was made with strong, dark roast coffee that was mixed with hot water. Milk was added to the coffee to make it more palatable, and the resulting drink was called a "caffe latte," which means "coff...